Delegates from Ministry of Justice and Agency Against Corruption attended 35th APEC Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts Working Group (ACTWG) Meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on August 16 to 19, 2022.
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- Last updated:2022-11-01
- View count:4177
AAC Deputy Director-General Cheng FENG led the delegation (MOJ Head Prosecutor Yen-Chun LIN, AAC Section Chief Li-Chieh SUN and Agent Yuan-Ting CHANG) to attend 35th APEC Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts Working Group (ACTWG) Meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand. During the meeting, AAC established the matters regarding anti-corruption works, an intelligence exchange and communication with other economies. Besides, AAC also presented the latest progress on implementing the UNCAC and other initiatives related to anti-corruption and transparency.