AAC official attended 2019 ACRC Training Course for International Anti-Corruption Practitioners on 13-22 May, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea.
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- Last updated:2019-08-28
- View count:1661
AAC sent its representative to attend the 2019 ACRC Training Course for International Anti-Corruption Practitioners, which took place in Seoul, South Korea on 13-22, May.
The training course is designed to help build the capacity to develop and implement effective anti-corruption policies and measures. It coverers various subjects, including the anti-corruption strategy and related achievements of Korea. In addition, experts from United Nations and Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) were also invited to the training course, helping the trainees’ to improve their knowledge and understand the trends on anti-corruption area in a thorough way. The training course was participated by 16 people coming from countries, such as Singapore, Chile, South Africa and so on.
(Group photo of the 2019 ACRC Training Course)