Introduction to the Central Integrity Committee
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- Last updated:2022-06-15
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I. Purpose
In order to implement the policy of clean government, to rectify political culture and to promote clean governance, the Central Integrity Committee was established in 2008. The committee is chaired by the Premier of the Executive Yuan in person, who convenes all heads of ministries and commissions to attend the committee’s meetings, while the committee’s secretarial affairs are discharged of by the Ministry of Justice (Agency Against Corruption). The committee also puts forward discussions and special reports on issues of concern to society and the public, and undertakes clean government work.
II. Duties
1. Planning of clean government decision-making and major measures.
2. Advice on and review of major clean government projects.
3. Advice on and review of clean government laws and regulations.
4. Advice on and appraisal of major clean government work.
5. Planning and appraisal of clean government education and promotion.
6. Review of administrative efficiency and transparency measures with regard to the investigation and prevention of corruption, government ethics, corporate integrity, and the combating of vote-buying.
7. Guidance and inspection of the implementation of clean government work.
8. Other matters relevant to proper government culture and the promotion of clean government.
III. Members
1. Convener: the Premier of the Executive Yuan
2. Deputy convener: Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan
3. Members ex officio: Ministers without Portfolio, Secretary-general of the Executive Yuan, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of National Defense, Minister of Finance, Minister of Education, Minister of Justice (who also serves as the Chief Executive of the Central Integrity Committee), Minister of Economic Affairs, Minister of Transportation and Communications, Minister of the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan, Minister of the National Development Council, Minister of the Public Construction Commission, Chairperson of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Chairperson of the National Communication Commission (15 people).
4. Appointed members: three to five (3 to 5) experts and scholars and social justice persons, appointed for a term of two (2) years; they may be replaced as the Convener changes.
5. The Committee may, as necessary, invite the heads of first-level organs under the Executive Yuan to attend.
6. The Committee may, as necessary, invite the Secretary-General of the Control Yuan, the Secretary-General of the Examination Yuan, the Minister of Civil Service, and other heads of relevant organs to attend.
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- 中央廉政委員會運作說明1110610-EN.pdf306 KB 2022-06-15 Count Views:167