Agency Against Corruption (AAC) Held the Communication Conference on Corruption Investigation Issues with Investigation Bureau of MOJ (MJIB)
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- Last updated:2018-12-25
- View count:2230
On August 13th, 2018, AAC held the communication conference on corruption investigation issues with MJIB. The meeting were attended by senior investigation officials from both sides, with AAC’s Director-General Chu, Chia-Chi and MJIB’s Director-General Lin, Lin-Lan taking the lead. Minister Tsai, Ching-Hsiang also attended the meeting in person, ordering the communication channel, measures taken in fighting against corruption between AAC and MJIB shall be strengthened, so as to maximizing the power in corruption investigation, as well as to implement the resolution made in the Judicial Reform Meeting and in response to the expectation of a clean and competent government from the public. Following the instruction by Minister Tsai, participants from both sides then went through a deep discussion on the issue of intelligence exchange, experience sharing and investigation cooperation, ensuring the work and effort made during the corruption investigation processes can be more smoothly and successfully.