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Launching Ceremony and Summit Forum of Integrity Platform for Enterprise Services

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2022-09-21
  • View count:4345

In order to implement the anti-corruption requirements of the private sectors in the United Nations Convention against Corruption, deepen exchanges between the public and private sectors to reach common consensus, establish an anti-corruption partnership, and enhance Taiwan’s national competitiveness in the world, on July 6, 2022, the “Launching Ceremony and Summit Forum of Integrity Platform for Enterprise Services”, Minister Tsai Ching-hsiang of the Ministry of Justice and Minister Wang Mei-hua of the Ministry of Economic Affairs attended and presented the speeches, and Director-General Zhuang Rong-song of the Agency Against Corruption, MOJ participated in the discussion.

The event kicked off with speeches by Minister Tsai of the Ministry of Justice and Minister Wang of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and then the CEO of Delta Electronics, Inc. Chou Chih-hung shared the benchmark of “Implementation of Integrity Management- Towards Sustainable Corporate Development”. Director-General Leu Jang-hwa of the Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA and Deputy Director-General Betty Hu of Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA respectively gave keynote speeches on policy measures such as “Digital Transformation Smart Governance” and “Small and Medium Enterprise Development Strategy”. Continuing the discussion forum, chaired by Deputy Minister Tseng Wen-sheng of Economic Affairs, Director-General Zhuang Rong-song of the Agency Against Corruption, MOJ, Director-General Lai Chien-hsin of Water Resources Agency, MOEA, Director-General Hong Shu-min of the Intellectual Property Office, MOEA, Chairman Lee Shun-chin of CPC Corporation, Taiwan, Deputy Director Yeh Kevin I. J. of Transparency International Chinese Taipei, etc. conducted interdisciplinary discussions and exchanges from different perspectives on “Helpful Assistant to Integrity Governance- Integrity Platform for Enterprise Services”.

During the speech, Minister Tsai mentioned that in the 2021 “Corruption Perceptions Index” (CPI) released by Transparency International, Taiwan ranked 25th among 180 countries and regions with a score of 68 points, resulting in the best score so far. In the “2021 Bribery Risk Matrix” released by the international anti-bribery NPO “TRACE”, Taiwan ranked 15th out of 194 countries or regions worldwide, and ranked the 1st among Asia. This demonstrates that Taiwan's achievements in building a clean government have been recognized internationally. The United Nations Convention against Corruption emphasizes that the private sector is an important part of the anti-corruption system. This year, the Ministry of Justice requested the AAC to integrate the openness and transparent spirit and successful operation of the “Integrity Platform for Government Procurement”to hold symposium on “Breaking the Myth of Profit-seeking and Convenience” nationwide to enable public servants to actively provide convenient services without any concern of breaking laws. By combining various competent authorities,  the “Integrity Platform for Enterprise Services” has been established to provide enterprises with consulting services on the differentiation of legal compliance such as “profit-seeking and convenience”, thereby creating a clean and high-quality investment environment.

Minister Wang Mei-hua of the Ministry of Economic Affairs mentioned in her speech that corporate integrity and legal compliance are the constant forces driving economic development and the key to enhancing the national and industrial competitiveness. The Ministry of Economic Affairs not only provides favorable policies for corporate services, but also expects to lead the sustainable development of enterprises, which through the “Integrity Platform for Enterprise Services” assists enterprises, builds a network of integrity governance and legal compliance, promotes continuous communication between public and private sectors, and enhances the benefits of the overall national economy.

Director-General Zhuang Rong-song of the Agency Against Corruption, MOJ mentioned that according to the first national report of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the recommendations given by the International Review Committee to Taiwan are based on expanding services to the corporates, and extending the coverage of anti-corruption and corruption prevention to the private sectors to reach consistency among the public and private sectors. AAC promotes the “Integrity Platform for Enterprise Services”, which combines the competent authorities, local governments, procuratorates, integrity systems, academia and non-governmental organizations, etc. promoting the sustainable operation of the country and enterprises, for enterprises to obtain high-quality government services.

This event showcases the combination of strength of industry, government and academia, actively assists enterprises in distinguishing plans to provide the general public with convenience, implements integrity and compliance, and improves the quality and convenience of services by the authorities. In the future, AAC along with various agencies will continue to actively build a network of public-private cooperation and interdisciplinary cooperation to achieve a win-win situation for the sustainable development of the country and enterprises.

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