Delegates from Ministry of Justice and Agency Against Corruption Attended 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference(IACC) in Washington, D.C., United States on December 6 to 10, 2022.
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- Last updated:2023-03-02
- View count:2313
Delegates from Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and Agency Against Corruption (AAC) attended the “20th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC)” of Transparency International (TI) and participated in 6 global anti- corruption conferences and related workshops to learn current international mainstream issues, including application of digital technology in anti- corruption, protection of whistleblowers, cooperation of anti- corruption between public and private sectors, etc on December 6 to 10, 2022. In addition, the delegation led by Deputy Minister of the MOJ, Lin Chin-Chun visited institutions such as the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to exchange experience and deepen good partnership.